*English below

Miðvikudaginn 30. nóvember kl 12:15 heldur Sam Rees erindið „The crude, the bad and the ugly“ í fyrirlestraröð hönnunar- og arkitektúrdeildar Listaháskóla Íslands, SNEIÐMYND í Þverholti 11, fyrirlestrarsal A.

Sam er aðjúnkt við hönnunar- og arkitektúrdeild Listaháskóla Íslands.

Í fyrirlestrinum mun Sam lýsa verkferlum, núverandi þráhyggjum sínum og áhrifum frá sviði DIY menningar, teikninga, teiknimyndasagna og kvikmynda. Hugsanlega (þó ekki staðfest) mun hann auk þess fjalla um boð (og bönn) við gerð rafskauta úr bréfaklemmum til að knýja flug „Ronald Macdonalda“, óstarfhæfi íslensks víkinga-kvikmyndahúss í anda 9. áratugarins, dulinn öfuguggahátt í Twilight þríleiknum, arkitektúr gervigæludýra, afríska endurgerð á Spiderman, sérvitringa með vatns-þráhyggju frá miðri 18. öld auk þess að syngja lög um draugalim Kevin Bacon.

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On Wednesday November 30th at 12:15 Sam Rees gives the lecture “The crude, the bad and the ugly” as part of SNEIÐMYND, lecture series by The Department of Design and Architecture at Iceland Academy of the Arts. The lecture takes place in lecture room A at Þverholt 11.

Sam is an adjunct tutor in the Department of Design and Architecture at Iceland Academy of the Arts.

In the upcoming lecture, Sam will describe his working processes, current obsessions and influences from the realms of DIY culture, drawing, comics and film. Possibly (but not definitely) including the do's (and don'ts) of making paper clip circuits to power flying Ronald Macdonalds, the dysfunctionality of an 80s Icelandic Viking cinema, the hidden perversions of the Twilight Saga, interactive pet architecture, African remakes of Spiderman, water-obsessed eccentrics from the mid-1700s and singing songs about Kevin Bacon's phantom limb.

The lecture is in English and open to the public.

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