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Hreyfiafl myrkurs í norðrinu er yfirskrift alþjóðlegrar ráðstefnu á vegum Háskóla Íslands, Listaháskóla Íslands og Université du Québec á Montréal í Kanada, í samstarfi við Norræna húsið og Sendiráð Kanada á Íslandi. Markmið ráðstefnunnar er kalla fram ólík sjónarmið og efla samtal á milli sérfræðinga af mismunandi fræðasviðum sem og á milli almennings og háskólasamfélagsins. Fjölmargir viðburðir tengjast ráðstefnunni og erindin spanna breitt svið rannsókna og eru af margvíslegum toga. Allt efnið er þó beintengt viðfangefni og markmiði ráðstefnunnar sem er að beina sjónum að því hreyfiafli sem felst í afgerandi umskiptum ljóss og myrkurs og hvernig það mótar hversdagslíf íbúa í Norðri. 

Meðal aðalfyrirlesara á ráðstefnunni eru dr. Tim Edensor, Reader at the School of Science and the Environment, og Haraldur Jónsson, myndlistarmaður og stundakennari við Listaháskóla Íslands. 

Skráning hér: http://registration.yourhost.is/forms/ditn2014/skraning.php 


Dynamics of Darkness in the North

The United Nations has declared 2015 the International Year of Light and thus we are curious to explore the infinite choreographies of darkness and light that affect everyday experiences of people inhabiting the North. The aim of this scientific and artistic, multidisciplinary international conference is to bring together different perspectives and to create conversations between different groups of audiences, ranging from students and academics to artists and the general public. Among the themes to be dealt with are quality of darkness, the northern lights and tourism, darkness and light in architecture and playing with shadows. Confirmed keynote speakers are Dr. Tim Edensor, Reader at the School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University and Haraldur Jónsson, visual artist who is based in Reykjavík.

This event is co-organized by the Department of Geography and Tourism at the University of Iceland, the International Laboratory for the Multidisciplinary Study of Representations of the North at the Université du Québec à Montreal, and the Iceland Academy of the Arts, in cooperation with the Nordic House in Reykjavík, the Embassy of Canada in Iceland and the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la littérature et la culture québécoises.

Registration: http://registration.yourhost.is/forms/ditn2014/skraning.php