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Assessment and recognition

Each semester the Iceland University of the Arts welcomes around 35 exchange students from partner institutions.

The outcomes from a learning period abroad at IUA‘s partner institutions are automatically and fully recognized, as agreed beforehand in a learning agreement and confirmed in the Transcript of Records, in line with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.
Incoming exchange students automatically receive a Transcript of Records following each semester, sent to the student and home institution coordinator by e-mail.


The principal purpose of course assessment is to provide students with information about their academic progress and skills. Assessment usually takes place during the course period, or during examination and assignment periods at the end of each semester. All assessment is based on learning outcomes.
Exams and assignments are either oral, written, or practical. The combination of the assessment is determined in by the dean and/or programme director in consultation with lecturers. Students shall be presented with these requirements at the beginning of each course and the learning outcomes of each course.
There are two different assessment systems: grading scheme and pass/fail system.


As a general rule grades are expressed on the 0-10 scale, where the passing grade is 5 and above. Course grades are given in increments of 0.5. The IUA encourages teachers to give students written evaluations of their work in addition to grades.
The grade classification is:
Excellent 9.0-10.0
Very good 7.5 – 8.5
Good 6.0.-7.0.
Adequate 5.0-5.5
Failed 0.0-4.5


Formative assessment methods are mainly used that focus on the individual student’s progress. The assessment in courses is conducted in various setups from a dialogue with the student that is founded on self-assessment, through group discussions, peer feedback systems and/or through written feedback from teachers.
Upon graduation all students receive written testimony signed by the programme director. The testimony is feedback on the students’ overall performance during the studies and covers artistic development, the students’ ability to contextualise, and overall commitment.