Open workshop with Spilmenn Ríkínís and Birgit Djupedal at the Music Department, IUA, Skipholt 31, on Tuesday, April 24th from 10:30 am - 12:10pm. Everybody welcome to listen - free entrance.

Further info:
Spilmenn Ríkínís and Birgit Djupedal give a workshop on Icelandic and Norwegian folk music, talking about their work and performing traditional folk music along with some compositions by Birgit.

Spilmenn Ríkínes are Örn Magnússon, Marta Guðrún Halldórsdóttir and Ásta Sigríður Arnardóttir. Their collaboration has lasted for quite a time where they have toured and published a CD with the aim of opening up the world of Icelandic folk music and making it accessible. Among the instruments they play are langspil and symfón.  

Birgit Djupedal, who will finish her master in composition from IUA this spring,  will present her research project “Langspil and langeleik: Composing new music and developing notation for old, Icelandic and Norwegian folk instruments". Her collaboration with Spilmenn Ríkinís began in the summer of 2017.