„Hvað heitir þetta þegar allir fara að kjósa?“


Myndlæsi, lýðræði og hugtakaskilningur

Visual literacy had been defined as the ability to construct meaning or knowledge from visual images and to be able to communicate visually.
In this thesis I discuss the advantages of teaching visual literacy and how it relates to the core components of the Icelandic education reform.
To answer this, I start by exploring how shape, color and symbols influence our understanding of images. I will also investigate how images can help us to understand our society, different cultures and increase our open-mindedness and critical thinking skills. Study material in visual literacy was developed.
Its´ main goal is teaching students about the technical parts of visual literacy and increasing students’ ability to view artwork in an effective and critical way.
I taught the study material in five different classes and used the methods of action research to evaluate the results. Data analyses was based on journals, students’ artworks as well as students’ image analysis projects.
The main results were that most students managed to acquire the technical part of the lesson quite well. Therefor I argue that systematic education in visual literacy can increase students’ practical skills thus making them more competent in communication and interpretation in the field of visual arts.
However, most students showed difficulties in interpreting images from their personal emotions and social backgrounds. From students’ answers to the questions it is clear that many of them lack conceptual knowledge. However, the lessons sparked many lively and informative conversations about social issues. Thus, I believe teaching visual literacy can increase students’ understanding of concepts and words.
From that I experienced in the classroom I conclude that study materials in visual literacy can be a good tool to enhance students’ moral development, open-mindedness and democratic thinking. It is my conclusion that visual literacy relates to the core components of the Icelandic education reform.
Magnús Dagur Sævarsson
dagursudden [at] gmail.com
Leiðbeinendur: Ingimar Ólafsson Waage og Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir