1. Registration for an exchange - Deadline 1 February.

Register your exchange period in Myschool select Exchange Studies in the left menu. 

2. Apply for funding and register your choice of schools - Deadline 1 March.

Apply for the Erasmus grant latest 1 March. 
Register your choice of schools here. Deadline to hand in choice of destination: 1 March for an exchange during Autumn semester and 15 September for an exchange during Spring.
Please, contact the International Office at IUA for advice if needed.

3. Apply for an exchange to the receiving institution

Please note that deadlines application procedures vary between institutions. You will find details on each institution's website (see partner school list). N.B. Some institutions may have a single deadline for the entire academic year - this applies especially to music academies. We recommend that you apply for a place at least three receiving schools, as incoming applications tend to outnumber available places.

4. Learning agreement

Once you have received an offer of a study place you need to prepare a learning agreement (námssamningur vegna skiptináms) with the departmental coordinator of your department at the IUA.

5. Grant agreement

The International Office at IAA will send you a grant agreement by email once you have sent them a completed copy of your learning agreement.