Á dögunum fór fram námskeiðið "Sculptural Research" í Listaháskólanum í Vilnius. Hönnuðurinn, og kennari við fatahönnun hjá LHÍ, Dainius Bendikas stýrði námskeiðinu. 

Um er að ræða þétt tveggja vikna námskeið fyrir fatahönnuði og sviðsmyndahönnuði þar sem markmiðið var að brjótast út úr hinu dæmigerða formi. 



Nida Art Colony (Vilnius Academy of Arts) hosted an international Cirrus express workshop “SCULPTURAL RESEARCH” created by designer, and teacher at the Department for Design & Architecture at the IUA Dainius Bendikas.

An intense two-week hands-on program for fashion designers and scenographers dedicated to break out of the traditional silhouette. Focusing on methods and techniques related to conceptual silhouette development and creative relevance while acquiring new development tools and orientation on research, documentation, draping, pattern-making and most importantly design based constructive thinking. #sculpturalresearch Photos by Lina Martinkėnaitė