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MA in Performing Arts

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The MA in Performing Arts is a two-year research-based programme that supports artists, thinkers, and doers to experiment and develop as practitioners and researchers in the field of the Performing Arts. This is a two-year full-time programme taught in English. 

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  • Umsóknarfrestur


  • Skrásetningargjald

    Skoða nánar

  • Nafn námsleiðar

    Performing Arts, MA

  • Nafn gráðu


  • Einingar

    120 ECTS

  • Lengd náms

    4 annir – 2 ár

Upplýsingar um nám eru á ensku hjá námsleiðum þar sem kennslutungumál er enska.

About the study programme

The focus of the MA in Performing Arts programme is to provide a challenging and supportive context for developing each student’s artistic practice – through both research and artistic creation. This is a programme for students looking to develop as independent, active, responsible, and critical artists. 

We are looking for those that aim to position their work in the field of the Performing Arts. The Department of Performing Arts wants to increase access for those who have not had equal access to university studies in the performing arts. Therefore, we encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply, such as People of Colour communities, LGBTQIA+ people, disabled people or other groups. 

Course structure

Students enter with a performance-related project proposal that they wish to develop and realise during their studies. This project should be specific to their artistic interests, questions, and concerns and draw upon their pre-existing practice. The students will then deepen their artistic practice through question-led research, peer-to-peer exchange, mentorship and encounters with leading artists and thinkers in the field. They become a part of an exciting and vibrant community, cultivating potential connections within IUA and with collaborators, audiences, and institutions.  

The theory component of the programme gives critical context and methodologies for artistic research practice and is designed to widen the students’ understanding of the performing arts and its relation to artistic, social, and political contexts. The programme approaches the field of performing arts as an expanded field of practice capable of producing experimental intersections between art and other fields of knowledge. Electives provide students with possibilities to deepen their competences in the field of performing arts/or expand their practice with electives across disciplines. 

The programme culminates with a research project consisting of an individual project and final paper.  

The programme consists of: 

  • Compulsory courses 90-100 credits 
  • Electives 20-30 credits 

After graduation

At the end of their studies students should possess the knowledge, skill and competence in the field of contemporary performing arts to work as independent theatre artists or as members of a collective, theatre and/or other cultural institutions. The programme also prepares students for further research or a doctoral level study. 

Application and admission process

The application process is in two steps, first submit the application and then pay the application fee.
Please note: It is possible to save the application while working on it.
  • The Application

    An application is not valid until the applicant has submitted the application and paid the application fee. Applicants are asked to monitor the application process through the communication/application portal. All communication will be conducted through the portal and IUA staff will notify the applicant if some necessary supporting documents are missing.

    Applicants must submit the following:  

    1. Reference letter from two referees
    Applicants add two referees (names and emails) in the application form. When applicants have submitted the application, the referees will receive an email from the IUA asking them to submit a reference for the applicant. Each reference should not exceed one page. The references may be submitted in Icelandic or English.
    Applicants will receive a confirmation when the referees have submitted the reference.
    2. Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
    Applicants must submit a CV of relevant education and professional experience. The CV should be written in English and not exceed two pages.
    3. Research Project (PDF)

    Applicants are asked to submit a Research Project Proposal that indicates their focus of research situated within the Performing Arts. The proposal should outline the applicant’s intended research question/s and the methods and/or subject matter they want to investigate throughout their studies. The proposal must include space for research, growth and learning and should become the basis for the applicant’s MA Final Project.
    The proposal should be written in English and be two pages and then attached to the electronic application under “umsokn_rannsoknarverkefni.”
    4. Certified copy of degree certificate(s) and programme / course transcript(s) (PDF)
    Applicants should submit a detailed record of higher education up to the present, including programmes of study and grades. This should be submitted in Icelandic or English.
    5. Cover Letter (PDF)
    Applicants are asked to prepare a Cover Letter. The letter should address their decision to apply for the programme and how its focus ties in with their aims towards a future professional role within the Performing Arts. The letter must be written in English and should not exceed one page.
    6. Portfolio of works (PDF)
    Applicants are asked to gather examples of their work into a portfolio that includes 3-5 original works. Accompanying each work should be a short synopsis or description. The submitted work should reflect the applicant’s artistic practice, shed light on main interests and demonstrate skills and competences. The submitted works should also reflect the applicant’s original creation and communication of ideas.
    7. Copy of passport (PDF)
  • Admission Process


    The admissions committee assesses applications on the grounds of the submitted materials.

    If the applicant is considered for acceptance the required documents will be discussed with the applicant in an interview, in English, with the admissions committee.

    The admissions committee evaluates how the applicant presents their artistic ideas and vision, ability to take initiative, their independence, creative thinking, and ability to collaborate.
  • Admission requirements

    Applicants must have completed a bachelor´s degree in Performing Arts or other fields. In the absence of a bachelor´s degree in exeptional cases an applicant, with an established career and condsiderable experience can be admitted to the programme provided that they demonstrate a great understanding of performing arts, its principles and mediums.
  • Language requirements

    The MA in Performing Arts is an international programme conducted in English. Students must be proficient in spoken and written English.

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