Automatic translation by Google Translate.We cannot guarantee that it is accurate.

Skoða vefinn á Íslensku

On the right side of the Ellidaa River grew tall the power plant Ellidaarstod. There on the Saturday morning on the 26th of May came humans, to hold a round table, conversing on the ways to preserve and tell the tales of those who can not be heard.

What are the ways one can perform activist activities through their artistic practice? How can one voice the concerns and issues, of those who are not listened to? What are the ways we can be inclusive to other human and non-human folk through artistic practices?

Those are the questions that they ask themselves and aim to answer.

Those humans were Daria Testo curator of the exhibition Kindred, Angela Snaefellsjokuls Rawlings eco-social activist, writer, teacher and artist, Hanna Styrmyrsdottir curator, activist and teacher and Cristoph Matt, eco-social activist, designer and teacher.

For those who are kindred, come joining the conversation at the once a bustling engine, a stark reminder to visitors of forceful human intervention in the local ecosystem not so long ago. Yet, the surrounding forests, cultivated last century became an abode, a sanctuary for kindred spirits—an infrequent example, of interdependence between local hidden dwellers and human presence.

Language of the event: English


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