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Cryptoforests : Vague Terrains

A showcase of Product Design work from the course Ideas and Technology, which introduces students to the world of maker culture, looking to deepen their design and manufacturing skill-set at the beginning of the second year. It offers students the opportunity to use basic electronics and coding alongside new fabrication
technologies to create simple prototypes of small machines.
Tutors :
Sam Rees
Simon Remiszewski
Salóme Bregt Hollanders

Students :
Bríet Sigtryggsdóttir
Dagbjört Anna Arnarsdóttir
Erla Lind Guðmundsdóttir
Iðunn Lilja Friðriksdóttir
Ingibjörg Athena Stewart
Ísold Hekla Daníelsdóttir Apeland
Jökull Þór Ellertsson
Katla Margrét Jóhannesdóttir
Kjartan Gunnarsson
Tara Mobee

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