Einkasýning Kerstin Möller opnar fimmtudaginn 7. desember kl.15:00 – 17:00 í Huldulandi, Laugarnesvegi 91. Sýningin er í röð einkasýninga nemenda á 1.ári ( ásamt skiptinemum við 2. ár MA) við meistaranám myndlistardeildar Listaháskóla Íslands.



Melting Bodies is a multi-media installation that examines emotional and physical states of being at home and feeling at home, in times of change.

Since the 19th century, when many people moved from their homelands to cities and industrial centres with the advent of industrialization, the homeland held connotations of being the place of origin and belonging, a place of familiarity, a shelter as well as the idyllic homeland.

Home was where you were understood, where language and customs are familiar.

What is today perceived by many as vanishing familiarity of their home, can often be observed in relation to aggressive rejection of the foreign, the other, the immigrant, but also of the new or unfamiliar; a notion which Hermann Lübbe calls “Vertrautheitsschwund” - the loss of familiarity and its associated fear respectively, as a social condition.

My project seeks to enter this discourse about home and homeland, but from a different and less nation state focussed, more basic angle, that is somewhat dreamy and utopian. Embracing the notion of home as a state in constant change, what was familiar yesterday maybe strange and new tomorrow and vice versa.

The project aims to explore concepts of home in contexts of comfort and shelter, independent of a nation state and citizenship, but one that centres on our planet and our body as home, home as a physical entity, from the womb as our first home and the (global) shifts that occur on and with our planet. Drawing on indigenous knowledge and appreciation of the planet, the soil as a mothering nature and kinship with all living and growing beings.


Í lok haustannar og á vormisseri munu meistaranemar á fyrsta ári í myndlist (auk skiptinema við 2. ár MA) við Listaháskóla Íslands halda röð einkasýninga undir nafninu Kveikjuþræðir. Sýningarnar opna á tímabilinu 7. des 2017 - 9. mars 2018. Sýningarnar eru af ólíkum toga en eiga það sammerkt að vera eins konar kveikjuþræðir og nánari útfærslur af hugmyndum og vinnuferli fram til þessa. Sýningarnar opna kl. 15.00 á föstudögum (og einn fimmtudag) í Kubbnum (2. hæð) og Huldulandi (1. hæð), sýningarsölum myndlistardeildar að Laugarnesvegi 91. Sýningarnar eru einungis opnar á opnunardaginn og eða í samtali við sýnendur helgina eftir opnun.