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Headspace / Hugarrými // Bjarki Þór Sævarsson

Bjarki Þór Sævarsson
Einkasýning í Huldulandi
7. nóvember 17:00-19:00

People shape places and places shape people. The feelings a place or room can evoke are tied to the emotions and memories we store in compartments and rooms within ourselves, all intertwined in the human experience.
Places we experienced as children shrink once we grow up and nostalgia lives in wallpapers and bed frames. The spaces we inhabit make us as much as we make the spaces around us. So when you walk into a room, try to experience the headspace it creates

Sýningin er partur af einkasýningaröð BA nemenda á þriðja ári í myndlist sem fara fram á tímabilinu 26. september – 28. nóvember 2024.
Einkasýningar nemenda er liður í námskeiðinu Vinnustofur prófessora í umsjón Sirru Sigrúnar Sigurðardóttur. Kennarar Hekla Dögg Jónsdóttir og Sindri Leifsson.
Nánari upplýsingar um einkasýningaröðina má finna HÉR.