Einar Örn Benediktsson og Maria-Magdalena Ianchis opna sýningu í Kubbnum að Laugarnesvegi 91, föstudaginn 10. mars kl 16. Er þetta þriðja opnun meistaranema í myndlist á vormisseri innan sýningaraðarinnar Kveikjuþræðir. Sýningin verður opin áfram í næstu viku dagana 13. - 17. mars frá kl. 13:00 – 16:00.

Meistaranemar á fyrra ári í myndlist við Listaháskóla Íslands halda röð samsýninga á vorönn 2017. Sýningarnar eru af ólíkum toga en eiga það sammerkt að vera eins konar kveikjuþræðir og nánari útfærslur af hugmyndum og vinnuferli nemenda fram til þessa.

Einar Örn Benediktsson

I receive and execute. I am totally unaware of the meaning of the whisper. As I notate I listen and hear the room. I make an aural connection between the whisper and the notation. I do though not comprehend the whisper as a structured narrative though there as the indication that there is more than meets the eye and ear.

Einar Örn Benediktsson is an artist and entrepreneur from Reykjavík. He has been an important figurehead and a leading catalyst in the Icelandic art and culture scene since the late 70’s. In his art practice Einar Örn has utilized a wide range of media; sound art, performance, words, music and multimedia, with the more recent addition of works on paper, large scale murals and textile prints. All his works are connected through a playful way of telling stories, that simultaneously amuse and baffle.
Einar Örn is currently a first year student in the MA Fine Art programme at the IAA.

Maria-Magdalena Ianchis

When I am awake I want to enter hidden spaces and rooms, my feets can not bring me to. And even smart scientist are unable to enter these spaces completely.
Maybe there are spaces that we can never fully access, but I am really interested in seeking ways to enter these rooms.
When I fall asleep the adventure begins. In the dream world I can enter any space I like. It can bring me to totally new areas.

Maria-Magdalena Ianchis was born in Cluj/Romania. Currently she is studying at the first year in the MA Fine Art programme in the Iceland Academy of the Arts. She is an exchange student from Vienna, Austria, where she studied Fine Arts/Photography at the University of Applied Arts since 2013. In her art practice she would say that the works choose the mediums. These are photography, video art, performance and installation.

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