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Skoða vefinn á Íslensku

Tracing Roots – Thin Filaments and Porous Forms is a graduation exhibition of MFA students of the Department of Fine Art from The Iceland University of the Arts

Eight artists present their graduation projects, which mark the end of a two-year course that includes extensive research, the processing of intense introspection and the deepening of their artistic practice.

Their art spans quite a wide range, diverse use of materials and methods, different approaches to ideologies that reflect our current realities and our prophecies of the future, and give a good cross-section of the importance of visual art in our challenging times.

With great sensitivity for the affective relationship of everything hidden, the world of objects and nature, the artists share with us their ideas and sharp views on the constant state of impermanence and transformation at all times.

The audience is invited to embark on a synesthetic sensory journey through the realm of growth and transformation, the cycle of the organic and the harnessing of energy in different frequencies. The exhibition takes us through Finnish emotional forests, along with roots into soil, into solid and then loose earth materials, through the vastness of the

human body and its substitutes, we sway in slow circles and with horsehair out the window and back in again, layer upon layer in open, closed and porous vessels, and with sound waves that plunge into the abyss and draw with thick darkness across the walls.

The works explore the human need to identify with other and even unrelated beings and the various ways we use to understand the world and ourselves. One of those ways is through humour and exhibition guests are invited to participate and play. One can sense the artists ́ joy of crafting their handmade objects, although the undertone is characterised by their awareness of the anthropocene, the fragility of ecosystems and the everflowing movement of nature.

Curator: Birta Guðjónsdóttir

MA-graduating students 2024:

Camilla Cerioni
Camilla Sæberg
Galadriel González Romero
Jette Dalsgaard
Julie Sjöfn Gasiglia
Martina Priehodová
Nele Karlotta Berger
Sunneva Ása Weisshappel

Vernissage: May 11th at 17:00 – 19:00

Opening hours: 11th of May to 2nd of June from 12:00 to 18:00

Leiðsagnir sýnenda / Artist talks:

Laugardaginn/Saturday 18. maí kl.17:00.

Laugardaginn/Saturday 25. maí kl.17:00.

Fimmtudaginn/Thursday 30. maí: kl.17:00 kl.20:00

Laugardaginn/Saturday 1. júní kl.17:00.

Camilla Cerioni mun gera hljóðteikninga-gjörning kl.17:30 á þeim dögum þegar Nýlistasafnið er opið, miðvikudag til sunnudags, yfir allt sýningartímabilið.

Camilla Cerioni will do a sound-drawing performance at 17:30 on the days when The Living Art Museum is open, Wednesdays to Sundays, throughout the exhibition period.